Counselors Opportunities

Calling for Volunteers!!

Are you being called to serve the youth of the Atlanta Archdiocese?

Within many of the different scouting organizations, there are certain roles that most directly encourage youth to participate in some of the programs designed to assist scouts in furthering their Catholic faith. Depending on the organizations, those adults may be called Counselors, Facilitators, Shepherds, Unit Religious Emblems Coordinators, etc. In addition to being Catholics in good standing with their parish of registration, these adults must be current in the necessary Archdiocesan Youth Protection Training and background check called Virtus Protecting God’s Children before working with children. Each organization will also have youth protection training that must be completed. The AACCOS counselor training courses are also offered to give an overview of the available programs. Please read about trainings, processes and programs specific to your organization. AACCOS committee contacts are also provided for each organization. If you are interested in becoming a Religious Emblems Counselor, please contact Deacon Tom Gotschall.

Counselors should fill out the Intent to Begin form before working with the scouts.